Natural Soap
I’ve often wondered at the fact that the happiest weekend of my life was also the most horrific. It
Ten Down (3/3)
“Well?” I said.
My daughter Maureen marched in and put a big fat folder on the kitchen table.
Ten Down (2/3)
Part two of "Ten Down"
The threat that there would be a murder in town the following day
Ten Down (1/3)
You won’t believe me but I was working on a crossword at the very moment Detective Doug Brown called
The Ring in the Box
Patricia Bowry’s Email to Stephanie Hart (Ministerial Assistant to the Minister of Police) February 5, 2015:
Dear Steph,
Murder in Buenos Aires (9/9)
Juliet Harris woke up feeling very strange. It was as if she were returning to Earth after three hundred years
Murder in Buenos Aires (8/9)
Felonious Finds
“Jules! What’s going on? What happened?” Sandra had opened the door and was shocked to see her
Murder in Buenos Aires (7/9)
Sinister Assignations
Juliet Harris finished her speech with a slight bow of her head, a signal that prompted a wave
Murder in Buenos Aires (6/9)
Another Day, Another Death
“Euurgh?” León mumbled into the phone. Glancing at his alarm clock he saw it was six
Murder in Buenos Aires (5/9)
The story so far:
Part I, The Woman in the Pool: Lola Graf is found dead at a luxury resort